Lessons are for kids, themes are for adults. We want to build highlighters into themes…

What are the concepts, highlighters, principles, and messages that we want to focus on? What are the "tools" we are passing along through our content?

Firstly, it is worth mentioning that we should judge which highlighters to use based on two verticals:

Telos Highlighters

What is a “highlighter” specifically? A highlighter is a simple, effective point that we wish to make. They’re articulated concisely (or visually represented quickly) in consideration of the pacing we require for our videos.

Highlighters can be:

Overall, highlighters are points that (we believe) when understood by a large percentage of people (our viewers), will help them to re-orient their perspective of the world and engage with it in a more critically minded way.

To use the well-known metaphor - "Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime."


Personal Vulnerability